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Flying Triangle

A submission initiated from a standing position, jumping up to wrap the legs in a triangle choke around the opponent's neck


A rare shoulder lock similar to an omoplata, where the attacking leg is used to apply pressure on the shoulder from an unusual angle

Flying Scissor Heel Hook

A dramatic leg lock applied by jumping and using a scissor motion to entangle the opponent’s leg, finishing with a heel hook

Reverse Armbar

An armbar applied from an unconventional angle, often when the opponent is in north-south position

Dragon Sleeper

An advanced submission involving a reverse figure-four headlock that compresses the opponent's neck and spine

Bear Trap

A leg entanglement technique that traps the opponent's leg between the practitioner's legs, applying pressure on the knee

Flying Guillotine Choke

A high-amplitude version of the guillotine choke applied by jumping and wrapping the arm around the opponent's neck from a standing position.

Slide-In Heel Hook

A leg entanglement technique where the practitioner slides into position to apply a heel hook.

Reverse Heel Hook

A twisting leg lock targeting the other leg's heel from an inverted position.

Toe Hold

A joint lock that primarily targets the small joints in the foot by twisting the ankle and toes.

Reverse Omoplata

A shoulder lock applied from an inverted guard, twisting the opponent's arm in an unnatural direction.

Flying Kneebar

A dynamic entry into a kneebar submission that starts from a standing position, diving into the leg lock.

Triangle Choke

Chokehold executed from a figure-four leg configuration around the opponent's neck

Kimura Lock

Shoulder lock that pressures the joint, using a figure-four grip

Heel Hook

Leg entanglement targeting the opponent's knee rotation

Guillotine Choke

Choke applying pressure on the neck using the arm

Ankle Lock

Submission focusing on the ankle by wrapping the arm around the foot

Electric Chair

Submission using a leg split from the half guard