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Shaolin Sweep

A sweep named after Vitor 'Shaolin' Ribeiro, using a combination of grips and hip movement to unbalance the opponent from guard

Plan B Sweep

A backup sweep option from the half guard when the primary sweep attempt fails, utilizing underhooks and leg positioning

Pendulum Sweep

A sweep that uses a combination of a leg pendulum motion and arm control to roll the opponent over the practitioner

Sit-Up Sweep

A sweep from the guard that involves sitting up to use body weight and leverage to unbalance the opponent

Sickle Sweep

A sweep involving hooking one of the opponent’s legs and pushing on the other leg to knock them down

Elevator Sweep

A sweep using both legs to lift and flip the opponent over when they are in the practitioner's guard

Rollover Sweep

A sweep where the practitioner rolls over their shoulder, carrying the opponent with them to reverse positions

Mermaid Sweep

A sweep performed from the guard by wrapping the legs around one of the opponent’s legs and using a combination of hip thrust and leg pull

Fat Boy Roll

A playful yet effective sweep used when the opponent is in a high mount, relying on momentum and a large, bridging motion to reverse positions

Lumberjack Sweep

A sweep where the practitioner pulls the opponent's legs towards them while pushing on the upper body to tip them backward

Xande Sweep

Named after Xande Ribeiro, this sweep uses a combination of grips and leg positioning to unbalance the opponent from the closed guard

Marsupial Sweep

A playful yet effective sweep from the guard, involving trapping the opponent’s arm and using a kangaroo-like motion

Judo Chop Sweep

A sweep from the guard using a sharp chopping motion with the arm against the opponent's thigh to break their balance

Steamroller Sweep

A powerful sweep from the open guard where the practitioner uses both legs to roll the opponent over as if flattening them

Hip Bump Sweep

A fundamental sweep from the closed guard that uses a hip thrust to knock the opponent over to their back

Wallid Sweep

Named after Wallid Ismail, this sweep uses a specific hook and flip technique from the guard to reverse the opponent

Electric Chair Sweep

A sweep that complements the Electric Chair submission, using the split to unbalance and roll the opponent

Silverado Sweep

A dynamic and rarely seen sweep from the butterfly guard using a unique combination of leg hooks and upper body control